Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chemistry Chapter 8 basic Home work

  • What is the ground-state electron configuration for Cr? Use abbreviated notation. For example, Ti is [Ar]4s23d2. Write [Ar]4s23d2 or [Ar] 4s2 3d2. 
      Answer:  [Ar] 4s1 3d5   Make sure you leave space in between as you see
  • What is the ground-state electron configuration for Ni? Use abbreviated notation.
     Answer: [Ar] 4s2 3d8
  • What is the ground-state electron configuration for Ag? Use abbreviated notation.
    Answer:  [kr] 5s1 4d10
  • Which of the following electron configurations is correct for the ground state of Cr? 
  • How many unpaired electrons are in the ground state of Cr?

  • Which of the following elements are diamagnetic (all electron spins are paired)?

  • Which of the following elements have 1 unpaired electron and consequently are paramagnetic?

  • Which of the following elements have 2 unpaired electrons and consequently are paramagnetic?

  • Which of the following elements has 3 unpaired electrons and consequently is paramagnetic?

  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest atomic radius: Be, Mg, Ca, and Ba. For Mg and Na, write Mg Na or Mg, Na. Hint, make sure you use the periodic table. 
Answer: Be, Mg, Ca, Ba
  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest atomic radius: Mg, Si, P, and Ar.
Answer: Ar, P, Si, Mg
  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest atomic radius: O, F, Al, and P.
Answer: F, O, P, Al
  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest ionization energy: Be, Mg, Ca, and Ba. Hint, make sure you use the periodic table.
Answer: Ba, Ca, Mg, Be
  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest ionization energy: O, Ne, Mg, and S.
Answer: Mg, S, O, Ne
  • Arrange the following atoms in order from smallest to largest ionization energy: F, Cl, Br, and Ga

Answer: Ga, Br, Cl, F
  • Arrange the following atoms and ions in order from smallest to largest radius: Li, Li+, and Be. Hint, make sure you use the periodic table. 
Answer: Li+, Be, Li
  • Arrange the following atoms and ions in order from smallest to largest radius: P3-, Cl-, and Ar. Hint, make sure you use the periodic table. Additional hint, when the number of electrons is the same, the one with the largest nuclear charge (most protons) will hold the electrons best (be the smallest).
Answer: Ar, Cl-, P3-
  • Which of the following elements has the most negative electron affinity, that is, which has the strongest affinity to acquire an additional electron: Al, Si, S, Cl? 

Answer: Cl
  • Which of the following elements has the largest electronegativity: Al, Si, S, Cl?

  • Which of the following compounds is the most ionic: LiCl, NaCl, CsCl, and AlCl3? For H2O, write H2O. 
Answer: CsCl

  • Which of the following compounds is the most ionic: NaCl, BaF2, Li2S, CH4, and NH3?
Answer: BaF2

References you needed to do other problems 


Atomic radius trend

Electron Affinity Trend