Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chapter 9 Basic Homework

1. Match the following with the kind of bond which is makes
Answer :     FI -- Polar Covalent because one of the atom is negative and other one is Positive
                    CsI -- Ionic Bonding  -- One or more electron transferred between atoms
                    H2 -- Purely Covalent -- 2 electron equally shared between atoms.

2. What is the difference in electronegativity between the atom in HI?
Answer:    0.4 -- refer the table above I(2.5) - H(2.1) = 0.4

3. Which of the atoms in HI has a partial positive charge? Namely, when HI is placed in the electric field between two charged plates, which atom would point towards the negative plate? Write either H or I
Answer: H -- H+ and I- 

4.  How many valence electron does Boron have? 
Answer:  3 
How:  As you can see 13 above B means 3 valence electron, 14 above Carbon means 4 valence electron and so forth 5 for nitrogen, 6 for Oxygen, & for Fluorine, 8 for Neon.

5. How many valence electron does magnesium have ?
Answer: 2 -- same logic as above.

6. How many valence electron does bromine have ?
Answer:  7

7. How many valence electron does argon have ?
Answer: 8

8. Which letter (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, or h) shows correct lewis structure for O?

Answer: F, because Oxygen have 6 valence electron.

9. Which letter shows correct lewis structure for S?
Answer:  Same as Oxygen it falls under same column. F

10. Which letter shows correct lewis structure for Kr?
Answer: H

11. Which letter shows correct lewis structure for Ga?
Answer: C

12. Which of the following statement about Lewis Structure is FALSE?


13.  Write the Lewis Structure H2O for and check those statement which are correct.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Chapter 8 Regular Home Work Chemistry 121